March 15, 2024
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  • Chairman Arrington Discusses Biden’s Four Years of Fiscal Failure on Fox News Radio

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R- TX) joined the Guy Benson show with guest host Ross Kaminsky to discuss President Biden’s four years of fiscal failure, how Biden’s climate policies are hurting the economy, House Republicans’ “Reverse the Curse” budget, and more. Some highlights from the discussion are below.

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    Click HERE to listen to Chairman Arrington on Fox News Radio.

    House Budget Chairman Arrington on Biden’s Four Years of Fiscal Failure:

    “He's doubling down on the spending, he proposes the highest levels of spending, borrowing, and taxing in the history of our country. And he will add $16 trillion to the debt, he will spend more as a result of not addressing the debt through reductions or through pro-growth policies. He will add more to interest expenses, about two and a half trillion dollars more than he spends on the national defense of this great country. So, it’s more climate, it's more government run health care, it's more cradle to grave welfare, without work incentives.”

    On President Biden’s Climate Policies Hurting the Economy:

    “I think your listeners know all too well the obsession with climate and green New Deal policies that are not only part of what will bankrupt this country, but will also hand the keys to energy dominance to the likes of China and Russia.

    But they try to quantify the total, quote, carbon footprint. It's tremendously complicated, tremendously burdensome, it won't make a difference. In the final analysis, we lead the world in greenhouse gas emission reductions, because of technology, because of our blessed natural resources of an ocean of natural gas. So it's just more feel good stuff for the for the radical left, and the church of climatology that has been very influential in this administration.”

    On Republican Achievements:

    “Having Republican leadership and a majority in the House has made a difference. And we've mitigated some damage just like we did when we negotiated during the debt ceiling for lower spending amounts on the discretionary side year over year, which is the first time that's happened in a decade and CBO projects that'll save about a trillion and a half over 10 years. The Republican majority is making a difference.”

    On House Republicans’ Reverse the Curse Budget Resolution:

    “We just passed a balanced budget that reduces the debt, it balances, and grows the economy by 10 percent, reducing our debt to GDP by 40 points.

    If we don't do that, not only will we undermine the greatest economy in the world and our kids’ opportunities, but we will jeopardize America's leadership and our children's future in this great country, including their freedom, not just their opportunities, but their freedom because there's no freedom when you're in the bondage of debt.”